Python Certification Course
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Live Classes
Day1_Python_Introduction.mp4 Day2_Data_Types_Numbers_String.mp4 Day3_String.mp4 Day3_List.mp4 Day4_Control_Flow.mp4 Day5_Loops.mp4 Day6_Loop_Practice.mp4 Day7_Set_Dictionary.mp4 Day8_Practice.mp4 Day9_Practice_part1.mp4 Day9_Practice_List_Comprehension_BuiltIn_Func_part2.mp4 Day10_User_Defined_Functions.mp4 Day11_Practice_Functions.mp4 Day12_Lambda_FileHandling.mp4 Day13_File_Handling_Activity.mp4 Day13_Modules_Web_scraping.mp4 Day14_Exception_Handling.mp4
Class Session Material
Day1_Variable_Operators Day2_Data_Types_Numbers_String Day3_String_List Day4_Typecasting_Control_Flow Day5_Loops Day_6_Loop_Practice Day_7_Set_Dictionary Day8_Practice Day9_List_Comprehension_Function Day10_User_Defined_Functions Day11_Practice_Functions Day12_Lambda_FileHandling Day13_File_Handling_Activity Day13_Modules Day14_Exception_Handling Day15_Selenium_Database_handling Day16_JSON_module Day17_Tkinter Day18_Time_Complexity_OOP_Introduction Day19_OOP Day20_django_sample_project
- Quiz List
#N1. Find the Lcm of two numbers
#N2. Print table of given number till 10
#N3. Revrerse a number without using loop
#N4. Reverse a number using a loop
#N5. Check if a number is armstrong number ( Example : 153 = 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3)
#N6. Print all prime within a given range (Example :0-10 will print 2,3,5,7)
#N7. Compute prime factros of a integer (Example: prime factors of 60 are [2,3,5]
#N8. Check if a number is a palindrome
#N8. Check if a number input by user is divisible by only 2 only 3, both 2 and 3 or none
#N9. Check if a number input by user is between said range.
Example : Pre-defined range : (0-100)
User_input = 123
Output: Number out of range. Please re-enter number.
Use While Loop and Loop control statement
#N10. Print fibanacci series using:
a. For loop (First ten numbers in the series)
b. While loop (Numbers in the series till 1000)
#s1. Replace all occurances of 'a' with '$' in a string (Example: car becomes c$r)
#s2. Detect if two string are anagrams (Example: 'car' and 'arc' are anagrams)
#s3. Count the numbers of vowels in a string (Example: "Aware" will return 3)
#s4. Form a new string where the first charcater and the last character has been exchanged
#s5. Remove the characters of odd index value in a string (Use slicing and step)
#s6. Calculate the number of words and the number of characters in a string
(Make sure to check for extra spaces)
#s7. Reverse a string using loop. Cannot use slicing.
#s8. Check if a string is palindrome (Example: civic, kayak will return yes)
#s9. Form a new string made of the first two and last two characters from a given string
#s10. Calculate number of upper and lower case cahracters in a string:
Example: Input = "The quick Brown Fox"
Output upper: 3 Lower: 13
#s11. Calculate the length of character and digits in a string.(Hint: Use string methods)
Example: Input : "abc123cba"
Output : length_char = 6 length_digits = 3
#L0. Print sum of negative numbers, positive even numbers and positive odd numbers
in a list [1,2,3,4,5,-9,-6]
#L1. Write a Python program to check a list is empty or not
#L2. Write a Python program to print sum and multiply all the items in a list
#L3. Find the largest and smallest number in a list without using max and min method
#L4. Write a Python program to remove duplicates from a list
#L5. Sort in increasing order by the last element in each tuple from a given list
containg list with two integers. ( User defined functions knowledge will be required)
Example: Input List [[2, 5], [2, 3], [4, 4], [1, 2], [2, 1]]
Output List[[2, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [4, 4], [2, 5]]
#L6. Write a Python program to append a list to the second list
#L7. Write a Python program to convert a list of multiple integers into a single integer.
Example : Input List: [1,2,3]
Output 123
Similarly input a number and form a list with all the digits as items in list
Example : Input Number: 123
Output [1,2,3]
#L8. Write a Python program to iterate over two lists simultaneously.
(Hint: use zip function)
Example: List1=[1,2,3]
Output : 1 a
2 b
3 c
#L9. W.A.P. to remove duplicates from a list
#L10. W.A.P. to add a list to a list without using append or insert or extend method
Example: L1=[1,2,3]
Hint(Use slicing to extend the list - Try playing around with it)
#L11. Create and print a list containing sqaures from 1 and user_input(Less than 50)
Example: Input : 5
Output : [1,4,9,16,25]
Input: 60
Output: Number out of range. Please reenter. To exit press y
Use Loop, conditonal checks and comparison operators
#L12. Find the second largest number in a list.
Note: List can have repeating numbers as well
#D1. Add a key value pair to the dictionary
#D2. Remove given key in a dict
#D3. Concatenate two dict in one dictionary (Use dictionary methods)
#D4. Map two list of same length into a dictionary
a. Use a temp list to create a list of list and then just typecast it as dictionary
b. Use zip function
#D5. Create a dict with key as first character and value as words starting with
that character (Use split method for strings)
Example : User_input : "This is a good day"
Output : {'T':'This', 'i':'is, 'a':'a', 'g':'good', 'd':'day'}
#D6. Create a dictionary with squares of number as value and number as key
Example : Input : Enter a number:: 5
Output : {1:1, 2:4, 3:9, 4:16, 5:25}
#Set1. Count the number of vowels present in a string using sets
#Set2. Check common letters in two strings