Django Certification course

  • Django is the most popular web framework for Python. Top companies like facebook, Pinterest and many more use Python with django for their development. It is a demanded technology today and HRs are constantly on a lookout for certified django experts for hiring in their companies. Training Basket’s Django certification course is designed in a way that will help the learners gain proficiency in python programming and develop real-world web applications using django. Our Django certification training covers both basic as well as advanced concepts of django framework.

    Throughout the Django certification training, you will get skilled in concepts like python scripting, working with databases, creating templates, views, models, forms, REST APIs in django. You will learn about data structures, object oriented programming paradigm, exception handling, django template systems and many more related concepts. Become job ready with our Django certification training now!

  • Course Faq Django Certification course

    What if I miss a class?

    You will never miss a lecture at Training Basket! You can take either of the two options: Watch the class’s recorded session available in your LMS or you can attend the missed sessions in any other live batch.


    What if I have queries after I complete this course?

    Your access to our ticket-based Support Team – is for a lifetime and will be available 24/7. Our experts will help you in resolving queries, during, and after the course.


    How soon after Signing up would I get access to the Learning Content?

    After enrolment, the LMS access will be provided to you and will be available for a lifetime. Here you can access the complete set of previous class recordings, PPTs, PDFs, and assignments. Moreover, access to our 24×7 support team will be granted instantly as well. You can start learning right away.


    Is the course material accessible to the students even after the course training is over?

    Access to the course material will be available for a lifetime after your enrollment.

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Validity Period : Lifetime
Language : English and Hindi
Price: ₹ 12000.00 17 % OFF
₹ 10000.00

Gain expertise in Django REST framework, Django Models, Ajax, Jquery and many more. Master the Django web framework and get hands-on live industry based projects and practicals. Learn the fundamentals of Django from scratch and get certified in the technology.